Application Guidelines
As of August 1, 2024 the E. Nakamichi Foundation website and grant application process has been revised to enhance your experience and streamline your communications with the Foundation.

Grant Eligibility ↗
Which organizations are eligible to apply for and receive grants.
Receive Grant ↗
How to receive an awarded grant after the performance is complete.
Funding Exclusions ↗
What is not eligible for grant funding.
Application Specific information:
- Required fields — All data entry fields that are marked by * must be answered. Otherwise, your application cannot be submitted. Those data fields that are not marked by * are automatically calculated using the data you provide.
- Grant Application Login — A recognized email address is required to access the grant application form.
- An email address can be verified by using the Contact Us page or by email: [email protected].
- Organization Name — The organization name will appear in the field. It cannot be edited in the application. If the name has changed, a change can be requested using the Contact Us page or by email: [email protected].
- Federal Tax ID — The organization federal tax ID will appear in the field. It cannot be edited in the application. If the number has changed, a change can be requested using the Contact Us page or by email: [email protected].
- Grant Amount Requested* — In US dollars, enter how much is being requested to support the program.
- Number of Performances* — Select the number of performances that will be supported by the grant. By selecting a number greater than 1, the appropriate Date of Performance and Venue for the Performance fields will become available.
- Date of Performance* — Either type in or use the calendar to select the date of the performance. Use this process for all dates of performance (#1-#6).
- Venue for the performance* — Enter the name of the place in which the performance will take place. Use this process for all dates of performance (#1-#6).
- Pieces to be performed* — Enter a brief description of the pieces to be performed. There is a 500 character limit.
- Status of the date and program information* — If all elements of the program are firmly scheduled, then the status would be final. If there is any element (artist, venue, date, etc.) that is not firmly scheduled, then the status would be tentative.
- Summary of the program* — Provide a brief summary of the program. Include information of a special aspects of the performance, such as, artist, venue, or piece of music. Do not include specifics about the organization or history of the pieces. There is a 500 character limit.
- The number of audience members expected* — Enter the number that is expected to attend the performances that would be supported by the grant. This information will be used to automatically calculate the average ticket price.
- Total expected ticket sales* — Enter the expected dollar amount of the total expected ticket sales. This information will be used to automatically calculate the average ticket price and used to calculate the Total Expected Revenue.
- Average ticket price — This is automatically calculated, but it is not shown. It is no longer a required entry field.
- Additional contributions expected* — Enter the amount of any additional contributions that are expected to support the performance. This information will be used to calculate the Total Expected Revenue.
- Other Income* — Enter the amount of any other sources of income that are expected to support the performance. This information will be used to calculate the Total Expected Revenue.
- Total Expected Revenue — This is automatically calculated by the form, but it is not shown. It is no longer a required entry field.
- Artist Budget* — The budgeted amount to cover the artist fees. This information will be used to calculate the Total Budget for the performance.
- Venue Budget* — The budgeted amount to cover the venue fees. This information will be used to calculate the Total Budget for the performance.
- Marketing Budget* — The budgeted amount to cover the cost of promoting the performance. This information will be used to calculate the Total Budget for the performance.
- G & A and other performance expenses* — The budgeted amount to cover general overhead, administrative costs, and other product related expenses in support of the specific performance. This information will be used to calculate the Total Budget for the performance.
- Total Budget — This is calculated using the information you provide. It is not shown.
- Description of recognition for the grant* — Describe how the grant from the E. Nakamichi Foundation will be recognized as supporting the performance. There is a 300 character limit.
- First name* — The first name of the person who would be contacted about the application.
- Last name* — The last name of the person who would be contacted about the application.
- Organization Email address for the contact person* — Please use an organization-based email address to protect the privacy of the contact person.
- Organization phone number* — Please use an organization-based phone number to protect the privacy of the contact person.
- Organization mailing address* — Please use an organization-based mailing address to protect the privacy of the contact person.
- Organization website URL* — Use the website URL for either the organization or performance-specific site.